Financial Supporters

The White Oak Initiative proudly recognizes its financial supporters.

  • American Forest Foundation

  • US Forest Service

  • University of Kentucky

  • Sazerac

  • The Forestland Group

  • Robinson Stave

  • Speyside Bourbon Cooperage Inc.

  • Alabama Forestry Commission

  • Arkansas Department of Agriculture

  • Illinois DNR Division of Forest Resources

  • Indiana DNR Division of Forestry

  • Iowa DNR Forestry Bureau

  • Irish Distillers

  • Kentucky Division of Forestry

  • Maryland DNR Forest Service

  • Michigan DNR Forest Resources Division

  • Minnesota DNR Division of Forestry

  • Bourbon on the Banks Festival, Inc.

  • Dendrifund

  • Brown-Forman

  • Independent Stave Company

  • WestRock

  • Beam Suntory

  • Kentucky Distillers’ Association

  • WL Lyons Brown Foundation

  • Kelvin Cooperage

  • Missouri Department of Conservation Forestry Division

  • North Carolina Forest Service

  • Ohio DNR Division of Forestry

  • Pennsylvania DNR Bureau of Forestry

  • Tennessee Division of Forestry

  • Virginia Department of Forestry

  • West Virginia Division of Forestry

  • Old Forester Bourbon

  • Wisconsin DNR Division of Forestry

  • Tonnellerie Ô

These supporters have provided money to White Oak Initiative activities and projects.

Thank you for supporting the Initiative!