
In 2015, researchers and leaders from interested and influential organizations met and agreed that the current white oak supply was unsustainable in the long term — and that something needed to be done. They gathered a team, formulated a plan, and by the fall of 2017, the White Oak Initiative was formally established by the American Forest Foundation, the University of Kentucky and the Dendrifund.

“We were looking at the amount of that resource that was available and the prices, and we came to the conclusion that although white oak is fairly common and there’s good supply now, future availability was in question.”

Dr. Jeffrey Stringer, Chairman, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky

Moving Forward

In 2021, the White Oak Initiative released a report, "Restoring Sustainability for White Oak and Upland Oak Communities: An Assessment and Conservation Plan," which emphasized the need for action in the form of active forest management to conserve upland oak ecosystems, including those dominated by American white oak. In addition to corroborating existing research and adding to the knowledge base, the report warned that without active forest management today, the American white oak population could face significant declines within the next several decades.

Today, the White Oak Initiative continues its mission by connecting diverse partners and stakeholders — from industry leaders and private landowners to academic institutions and government agencies — who are united under one common goal: the long-term sustainability of white oak-dominated forests.

A group of people meeting outside.

Our Leaders Today

The White Oak Initiative thrives under the direction and guidance of a passionate team.