Technical Resources

Here you'll find research and funding opportunities to help you support the health and growth of the oak population on a property you manage.

Funding We’re Aware of:

Research We’re Aware of:

Assessment & Conservation Plan

Released in 2021 by the White Oak Initiative in partnership with the American Forest Foundation, "Restoring Sustainability for White Oak and Upland Oak Communities: An Assessment and Conservation Plan" emphasizes the need for action to actively manage upland oak forests, including those dominated by white oak. In addition to corroborating existing research and adding to the knowledge base, the report suggests that without improved forest management efforts that help white oak seedlings and saplings thrive, the American white oak population could face significant declines within the next several decades.

Landowners for Oaks Series

Landowners for Oaks is a series of publications that offer forest landowners important information about oak trees and improved forest management practices within upland oak forests. Developed by the White Oak Initiative in partnership with the University of Kentucky Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, these 11 documents feature information on the importance of oaks, oak biology and common forest management practices to ensure oak regeneration — plus basic facts about several upland oak species in addition to white oak.

Two people looking at timber.

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From a like on LinkedIn to an offer of financial support, every action counts as we come together to ensure the regeneration and long-term sustainability of America’s white oak trees.