White Oak Initiative Raises a Glass to Introduction of White Oak Resilience Act

Bipartisan Legislation Aims to Safeguard Vital White Oak Resources, Ecosystems & Economies

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 21, 2023)
— The White Oak Initiative, a diverse coalition of partners committed to the long-term sustainability of America’s white oak forests, announced its support of the bipartisan White Oak Resilience Act (WORA), introduced today in the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 5582).

"While there are plenty of white oak trees out there right now, the data clearly shows that regeneration isn’t happening at the levels we’ve historically seen, and soon this will be a serious problem for everything from the American bourbon industry to native plants and wildlife if we don’t act today,” said Jason Meyer, executive director of the White Oak Initiative. "Fortunately, this bill proposes much-needed measures to rejuvenate our white oak forests, supporting the hard-working folks who rely on them and promoting biodiversity.”

American white oak is a foundational tree species, currently occupying more than 104 million acres of public and private forestland across much of the eastern and central United States. However, due to shifts in land management and ecological changes, older white oak trees are not being replaced by younger white oak trees at a pace that will support long-term sustainability. This is an issue because white oak resources currently support extensive plant and animal biodiversity, and generate billions of dollars annually through industries such as furniture, flooring, cabinetry, and wine and spirits.

To address this challenge, WORA will protect and help revive the white oak population across the full range. A primary provision of the bill will mobilize a White Oak Restoration Initiative Coalition of public, private and other non-governmental bodies to coordinate and encourage more effective forest management practices.

The bill would create:

  • A formal USDA White Oak Restoration Initiative Coalition that would prioritize and coordinate white oak projects

  • New white oak restoration and regeneration pilot projects coordinated through the U.S. Forest Service and Department of the Interior

  • A private-sector white oak restoration fund

  • A nationwide strategy and implementation plan expanding the capacity of tree nurseries

  • Expanded research of white oak by land-grant universities and the U.S. Forest Service

Cosponsored by Congressional White Oak Caucus and Congressional Bourbon Caucus leaders Andy Barr (R-KY), Ami Bera (D-CA), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) and Morgan McGarvey (D-KY), WORA showcases the power of public-private partnership, and the integral relationship between the resilience of our natural resources and economic growth.


About the White Oak Initiative
Founded in 2017 by the University of Kentucky, the Dendrifund and the American Forest Foundation, the White Oak Initiative brings together industries, universities, state and federal agencies, nonprofits, private landowners, conservation organizations and trade associations that are committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability of America’s white oak forests as well as the economic, social and environmental benefits they provide. To learn more about the White Oak Initiative, visit whiteoakinitiative.org.

Media Contact
Alyssa Oliveri
(202) 277-7074


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